Are you a friend of God?
Do you feel very close to Him like a friend, a child? You probably realize by now that 'Intimacy with God' is my brand's message. In all my writings and the message that I constantly push out to those who will listen is the prayer life. That is a struggle. Many see prayer as something you just do as a Christian. It is like eating breakfast. It’s a ritual that just has to be done to be able to say you’ve done it. That’s only if you’re even getting that far. Some aren’t praying at all but they want to. Or at least, they know there’s something deep about it and their spirit man desires it.
But the reason I want you to get there is because it’s beautiful. It’s just the most beautiful thing that anyone on this earth could have. It’s the Kingdom’s treasure of treasures. It’s personal. It’s not about your Pastor. It’s not about your Church or your Church meetings.
It’s about the sweet fragrance and all-encompassing loving presence of Christ that kills everything that is not great about your life.
It’s the presence of God alive in you becoming the breath that you breathe. It’s the love fountain that you can bask in even when you know everything about you isn’t perfect.
It’s also the voice and presence of a beautiful lion who is powerful to your enemies but gentle with you.
This reminds me of a vision I had years ago when I was going through a struggle. In the vision, a beautiful healthy lion came out of my closet (prayer closet) and was doing work around my house. I’m not talking about renovations or fixing things but He was doing chores like laundry and dishes. He was caring for my household.
It was the one of the weirdest of visions I’ve ever had but it was the most heart-melting thing as well. The Lord was showing me that He was caring for my domestic needs. He was supporting the simple things in my life, home, and family that we barely pay attention to; that though He was my protector and strong He was also in the smallest and most personal things. What's more personal than our home and our family?
I want the Spirit of God to fall on you like a tropical rain fall. I want you to tell others how the Spirit moves in your life. And the best way to do that is to have Intimacy with God. You don’t have to be a preacher, teacher, or leader to get there. You just have to pray. God doesn’t need you but He wants you just as you are. If you get nothing out of what I do and provide, please get this!
Are you a friend to God?
Here are some blogs I wrote specifically on prayer to inspire you. Prayer Blog.
If you haven't downloaded it already, here is also the download for Getting Your Mojo Back!