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What about your dreams?!

Writer's picture: Quycinda LeressQuycinda Leress

Do you really believe in your dreams? Do you even have dreams anymore? Do you want or see a different future for yourself? Have you given up and settled into believing that anything different or better just isn't for you anymore?

I don’t know anyone who hasn’t gone through some trials and tribulations in life. Most of us haven’t had life easy. At some point in your life, I’m sure you can tell me stories of challenges and pains that you’ve been through. I talk to many , like yourself, and understand the complexities that life can bring. I understand that life can wear you down, beat you down, beat you up, and shake you crazy. I commend you and others for being able to get through tough times while still being able to get through each day with your head on your shoulders and your mind right.

But what I know about life’s struggles is that even though you may get through them, they can still take something of value away from you; depress you and oppress you, having you give up on things you once believed in. I understand that you may even get tired of having to be strong every day. I get it… You may not even feel like fighting all the time and for every thing. I’ve felt that way many times, especially as I've gotten older.

What would it take from you to dig deep? Whether you want to, on this earth, you'll always have to fight for something. If you’re getting up every day to go to work, you’re in the fight. If you're struggling to make ends meet, you're in the fight. If you have children, you’re in the fight. In relationships, you have to compromise and fight to keep love strong. The things you put your energy into every day may require your strength. Just to stay healthy is a constant battle. There will always be something that demands your punch back at life in some form or fashion.

So, since you’re already in the battle, which the Lord has warned you that there would be struggles, why not focus on fighting for your dreams; the dreams that God, Himself, put in you?

I’ve found that some are more motivated to put energy into the dreams of others but fall short in doing for themselves. Yet, they know that there is more for them if they’d just follow through on finding God’s gold for their life.

I've known people who would rather watch television then to spend time working on their destiny. I've known people who'd rather lie down for themselves but get up early for others. It's disheartening but it's a real problem, especially when I've seen how God has transformed people's lives and how different they are, which creates a lifestyle for them they never thought they'd have.

The Lord provided me wisdom to see that people lack motivation in their true dreams and desires because they have a lack of belief in Him and therefore in themselves. At the end of the day, you may struggle believing the good that God says about you is true. Your heart and mind may not be able to fathom that you are even worthy of His gifts and His promises.

Do you know how many I’ve spoken to who believe that in some way God is punishing them? It is suffering to get them to believe otherwise, in some cases. As much as people may know that God is love and not a God of fear, it is fear that keeps them from the ultimate life of promise.

It is a belief more so in:

-Fear of success

-Fear of man

-Feeling unworthy

-Fear of not being good enough

These beliefs may have more weight than one’s belief in God and what He can do. It’s is human nature to be this way but it’s not heavenly nature. And you are from Heaven! Why not fight for your heaven on earth? You don’t have to wait to go to heaven. God’s heaven will come to you. The only way to begin is to make a choice than follow through with challenging your belief in fear and replace it with love and acceptance. You will only be motivated to your Promised Land when you believe God. Let your mind convince your heart by repetition!

-You first must believe that He truly loves you and accepts you.

-You must believe that His thoughts about you are great!

-You must believe in the value God gave you on the cross!

-You must believe there’s a heaven on earth that’s reachable.

-You must let something go and put your focus on the battle for your heaven!

I’d hate to see life go by and you miss out on what the Lord put aside for you just because you never could believe Him. Trust me. I know it can be hard but if you have to cry through turning the tide in your life, cry. If you have to be uncomfortable, be uncomfortable. If you have to be frustrated, be frustrated. You may be feeling these ways already about something else. You may as well put your energy into the fight for The Promises of the Lord! You know... Just because it's familiar in your life, doesn't mean it's right. Selah!

Draw on the strength of the Lord and fight for you! Don’t let the enemy have you forfeit your inheritance! Start digging deep!

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